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Tax Preparation Tips for the Self-Employed

Tax preparation can be a real hassle, especially if you’re self-employed. Being self-employed may make you feel free, but that freedom comes at a price. You will need to do your tax preparation and calculate what you might owe in taxes and other CRA payments. You also need to know when to remit them. So […]

Personal Income Tax Preparation

Personal Income Tax Preparation

Personal Income Tax Preparation / Personal Tax Returns The Customs and Revenue Agency in Canada requires all residents to file their income declarations by April 30th each year. If you fail to comply within the given timeframe, you could be facing a hefty penalty. If you find that you owe any further taxes, these should […]


A credit report has a high level of personal information that is organized according to the following information:The first section included is your personal information like your place of residence.All inquiries on your credit report appear in this section. If you have applied for a credit card, any type of loan or have opened a […]